Saturday, October 12, 2019

Culture in Language Learning: Background, Issues and Implications

   The study ‘’ Culture in Language Learning: Background, Issues and Implications’’ which is conducted by Omid Pourkalhor and Nastaran Esfandiari aims at demonstrating the significant relationship between culture and language learning.Having knowledge about the culture of the target language provides better performance and understanding the language more clearly in language learning process.As we know,every language is a reflection for its culture.Different understandings,cognitive constructs,and interactions are the parts of cultures.So,also the languages that we use are shaped by our cultures.In the learning process,it is really important to have an awareness of cultural appropriateness and behaviours of the target language because having a total comprehension about target language is not possible without cultural knowledge.                                                           
   Language learners can express themselves and have a meaningful communication only if they have a clear understanding about the culture of their target language. If I give an example,in African culture,there are many idioms and proverbs related to different kinds of animals.If we do not have any knowledge about their culture,probably the words they use in proverbs will seem meaningless for us.Language is learnt better if learners experience it in their lives.For that, learners should have an acculturation with the help of using the language and having real-life tasks.In my opinion,in the present,there are many chances to access to different cultures with various language applications which provide learners even video call,with some simulation designings,or with international courses.Ability of applying the language into real life,and making connection between native and foreign/second language shows the language learning acquisition. Language is a product of culture,cultural knowledge lackness of the learners should be filled in classrooms.Providing different and applicable activities can help to develop adequate and coherent understandings about target language. Teachers also have to know about the culture and language relation to provide a better understanding with appropriate examples,explanations to students.                                                                               

   To sum up,culture and language cannot be seperated from each other. Because language learning cannot be completed and a total comprehension cannot be provided if there is not clear cultural knowledge of target language. 

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